Crime and media

1. Critically discuss whether (or not) Christie’s notion of the ‘ideal victim’ (1986) can still be useful in order to understand how crime is represented in the media. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.
2. Stan Cohen’s ‘Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers’ still offers a useful frameworks for the analysis of how crime is covered in 21st century media. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.
3. The representation of offenders in the media often has racialized undertones. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.
4. When they offend, women are represented in the media differently from men. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.
5. Violent movies should be age-restricted because they can cause violent behaviour in the people who watch them. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.
6. Fictional representations of crime in TV programmes and in movies greatly influence what people know about crime. Discuss with reference to ONE case study example.

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