The Cask of Amontillado

“The Cask of Amontillado” (115-121):
1)Based on what you read in Chapter 2 regarding “narration and point of view:” what can the reader infer in “The Cask of Amontillado” about Montresor’s social position and character from hints in the text?
2) What evidence does the text provide that Montresor is an unreliable narrator? 3) Who is the auditor, the “You,” addressed in the first paragraph? 4) When is the story being told? 5) How does your knowledge of the auditor and the occasion influence the effect the story has on you? 6) Does Poe use any “devices” to create and heighten the suspense in “The Cask of Amontillado?” (refer to chapter 2) 7)15 Poe’s outcome ever in doubt?
Hemingway “Hills Like White Elephants” (122-126):
8) Referring to Chapter 2, Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” points of view include what the characters see. Notice each use of the word “look:”
a) What does each person in the story look at? b) What does each person seem to understand or feel? c) Is there anything in the story that none of these ‘people’ would be able to see or know?

b) What does each person seem to understand or feel? c) Is there anything in the story that none of these ‘people would be able to see or know? d) What do you think these different kinds of observations do for the effect of the story?
Chapter 7: “Speaker: Whose Voice Do We Hear?” (509-523)
9) The poems highlighted in Chapter 7 may seem daunting, as poems are usually regarded as “interpretive” or suggesting “free expression.” However, how do you think poems suggest a speaker? Choose three (3) of the Nine (9) poems you read in chapter 7:
a) Who is speaking? b) What do we know a about him or her (speaker)? c) What kind of “person” is he or she (speaker)?

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