Apply legal principles in contract and consumer law

Question 1
Explain the main differences between:
a) Delegated legislation
b) Common law and
c) Equity law.
Question 2
Describe the Principle of “Separation of Powers’.
Question 3
Explain how laws are enacted and their underlying policy aims.
Question 4
In terms of the Constitution, who has the power to:
1. Deal with several different laws relating to important matters such as leasing, workers’ compensation and business licensing.
Question 5
Private law is described as dealing with the relationship between individuals and private corporations and organisations.
How would you describe Public law?
Question 6
1. List and explain 3 reasons why the court hierarchy is important.
2. List and describe 3 tribunals and their functions.

Question 7
Cons Pty Ltd, a building company, and Smart Pty Ltd, a financial company, join forces to build a railroad for the government. Smart raises the funds needed by Cons to complete the project. Cons makes a mistake with the construction and the track work needs to be re-done.
Cons argues that Smart should pay for the mistake, as they were involved with the ‘partnership’. Smart argues they are liable for Cons mistake as they only had a ‘joint venture’.
Explain which argument you support and why?
Question 8
All businesses need to be aware of their legal requirements and what they need to do under the law to remain compliant.
List 3 of ASIC’s legal obligations which small businesses need to adhered to in Australia.
Question 9
1. Which Act governs partnerships?
2. Where are limited and incorporated limited partnerships registered in Victoria?

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