Human Resource Management

Part One. True/False: State whether the following statement is true or false and provide a brief substantive explanation to justify your answer (you must do more than simply re-state the question in the affirmative or negative).

1. Organizations favor administrative processes that encourage voluntary turnover to enhance efficiency in operations.

2. Employees working in employment-at-will positions have no right to sue employers for termination for any reason.

3. When a human resource specialist is asked to investigate a complaint of misbehavior, including bullying, by an employee, that specialist is obligated to protect that employee’s privacy by only gathering information that is relevant to the complaint and ensuring that any such information is kept on a confidential basis.

4. The open-door policy is an example of alternative dispute resolution.

5. Because arbitration requires a formal hearing process and the inclusion of third parties to complete resolution, it tends to create as much administrative oversight and expense as a lawsuit.

6. Job withdrawal is a set of behaviors that discontented individuals display to avoid the work situation physically, mentally, or emotionally.

7. An employee’s personality and disposition has little affect in determining whether that employee is satisfied with their job.

8. The continued development of international trade and globalization has not had a significant impact on traditional human resources management practices.

9. Cultural differences are a disadvantage to global organizations.

10. Issues related to international human resources management are most often related to and influenced by the practices governed by the culture of a particular nation in which an organization is operating.

11. Power distance concerns the way the culture deals with unequal distribution of power.

12. High uncertainty avoidance refers to a strong cultural preference for structured situations.

13. In comparison to other nations, the US allows its employers far greater latitude when reducing workforces via layoffs or for-cause separations.

14. A union steward is a person hired by an organization’s management to monitor union activity and report violations, if any.

15. Historically, unionized workers tend to be paid more than non-unionized employees.

16. Unlike union membership for workers in businesses, union membership among government workers has remained strong.

17. When a union and employer negotiate a contract, they cannot bar outside parties from holding an election for more than three years.

18. During a strike, the employer loses production unless it can hire replacement workers, and even then, productivity may be reduced.

19. The frequency for bargaining over a new contract is only about every three years.

20. Courts generally avoid reviewing arbitrators’ decisions and focus only on whether the grievance involved an issue that is subject to arbitration under the contract.

Essay Questions: answer the following questions in your own words (approximately 50-100 words). DO NOT USE BULLETS – write in complete sentences.

1. Describe alternative dispute resolution, including the most common techniques. Explain its increase in use.

2. Identify the reasons behind the trend toward expansion into global markets.

3. Discuss cross-cultural preparation and its training methods. In addition, describe the three phases of international assignments.

4. Explain the reasons for the decline in union membership in the United States.

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