Teacher Education

Teachers shouldn’t be paid well. This is because those who can, do, while those who can’t, teach. The best people should never waste their time in teaching. And the people who are best at doing stuff should be paid the most. 1.[3 marks] Put this prose argument in standard form. Remove any irrelevant premises and add any important suppressed premises. 2.[2 marks] Describe at least two distinct problems with the support provided by the argument you give in #1. Do not comment on the truth of the premises. 3.[2 marks] Evaluate how strong or weak the argument is. We are primarily interested in your reasoning process; which factors you weigh up, not your final decision. So be clear about your reasons. 4.[2 marks] Provide a counter-example to the argument. 5.[3 marks] Write a cogent argument in standard form that has the opposite conclusion.

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