Client management and Leadership

Re write this and extend it to 2 pages, a way to extend it will be by talking about how important is client management ,and leadership.

I work in digital marketing, I’m in charge of paid media for a broad list of clients.
This job has helped me to better understand how new businesess meaning online bussineses, after working, I’m learning a lot about marketing on a daily basis, also client management is crucial and this is something that I have been being trained on.
Also leadership is something very important we have 3 bosses one for each area. I learning a lot from my boss he is a real leader he gets people motivated to do their jobs he also always takes the time to follow up with us not only to talk about work, but also to talk about hour life’s he makes us feel important and that he cares about us as humans. So even though they paychecks are not great we have an amazing work environment and that is what keeps us motivated to keep working and making the company keep growing.

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