Determine Company Performance

Write a 3-5 page report that contains the following information(10 points)
a. Discuss EACH of these eight performance measures
i. What they measure
ii. How they determine company performance.
1. Cumulative Profit
2. Ending Market Share
3. Average ROS
4. Average Asset Turnover
5. Average ROA
6. Average ROE
7. Ending Stock Price
8. Ending Market Capitalization
b. Relate EACH to your company with an example (exact numbers for your round can be found in the Courier).
c. Rank EACH in order of importance of measuring performance
i. Explain why you ordered them that way
d. Choose three measures to base company performance on
i. Discuss why you chose these measures.
e. Choose your strategy for your company in this simulation:
i. differentiation strategy
ii. cost strategy.

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