Nature vs Nurture

Chapter 1 discusses one of the oldest debates in Psychology, that of “Nature vs. Nurture.” ‘Nature’ refers to the influence of genes that people inherit. Whereas, ‘Nurture’ refers to environmental influences, your experiences, learning. Now, the question that I would like you to answer is the following: To what extent are our thoughts, feelings, personality characteristics, behaviors, etc… due to our genes? and to what extent are they due to our environment? Which one is more influential? Please explain your answer.
Once you have answered the question above please determine whether nature or nurture plays a stronger role in: a. Psychological Disorders b. Intelligence c. Resilience (an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Read the following article from the New York Times magazine: – the link can also be found in ‘External Links’). A Question of Resilience – New York Times.pdf

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