Psychology questions

A) Do you think communication is more important to leaders now than it was in Hitler’s and FDR’s time? Explain why you think so or why you disagree. Who is a more current charismatic leader that you know of, and how are they similar to Hitler or FDR in their communication style? B) Consider the findings from the Ohio State and Michigan studies: Good leadership requires effectiveness on two dimensions — initiating structure, commonly called task orientation, and showing consideration, commonly called employee orientation. Evaluate a leader you know using those two dimensions of good leadership. Describe how well that leader manages both those dimensions. What is the outcome of their strengths or weaknesses in those dimensions? 1. Describe a situation that would call for a more task oriented leader. 2. In what situations would a more employee oriented leader be more successful? Which orientation do you reflect in your style of leadership? Why do you tend to lean toward that style?
C) It has been said that communication controls, motivates, provides release, and facilitates decision-making. What happens in an organization when communication is limited? How does downward and upward communication affect the functions mentioned above? D) Values may be self-governing, but they do change with time. The link between personality, values, and work ethic is difficult to decipher. Your basic makeup is with you in every situation, especially in your organization. Have your values changed as you have matured, or have they stayed the same? Do you have different values than your parents or siblings? How do values affect the cohesiveness of the workplace? E) A student who worked for Chipotle stated: “I love the Chipotle standard that what’s best for the people (employees) is best for the company and vice versa, so I always strive to do my best.” It sounds simple, but in reality, that is a difficult culture to enact. Why do you suppose that it isn’t common in most organizations? What is difficult about the implementation of such a policy? Does everyone have the same definition of “doing your best”? Will slackers perceive their best in a different light? Can you count on most managers to model the appropriate behavior? Who supervises the managers, and how are they held accountable, not only for product, but for cultural expectations?

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