Is overeating a moral problem in America?

1) We Americans are some of the most unhealthily heavy people on the planet, Is overeating a moral problem? Is McDonald’s doing something immoral every day?

2) Do you think that you need to be a good person in this world, in addition to following ethical and legal rules? Or can you be an a-hole and get along just fine?
3) Do you think we even need a god anymore to be morally good persons nowadays?
4) Can you give an example of when specifically a feeling (and not reason or “thinking through it”) should be what we rely upon to make a moral decision?
5) There are some industries, like the tobacco industry, that are in the business of selling things that are inherently dangerous to their customers (I’m not talking guns here, necessarily). The connection between smoking and the myriad of problems is too obvious to mention at this point, as there is now something like 60 years of solid data. And then the government takes a good share of the sales of some of these products, at times, with so-called “sin” taxes. It seems like there are two moral wrongs here: (1) a moral wrong done by a company “selling death” to its customers; (2) a moral wrong done by the government taking advantage of people’s addiction/weakness. What do you think?
6) Are there really any moral laws “out there” that we should follow, or do we just make them up as we go along?
7) Some will argue that businesses should not have obligations beyond what the law requires. Who cares about the environment, for example, as long as what my company is doing is within the confines of the law? What do you think about that?
8) Should we stop eating meat? If so, why? If not, why?
9) Do you think abortion should be banned completely in the United States?
10) Lots of religions think that homosexuality is disordered and wholly unnatural. What do you think?
11) If you use the exact same paper in two classes, are you plagiarizing?
12) Suicide seems to be a psychological problem. So, how could it be a moral problem where we hold the person who commits suicide responsible for her/his actions?
13) Should we show beheadings (like the ones ISIS performed) on TV news?
14) Someone might say, “You shouldn’t do anything that you wouldn’t want your mother to see you doing.” What do you think of that as an ethical guideline?

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