Literary Analysis

1. Grace Paley set the reader up for the “shiver of recognition” in her final sentence (Reread the sentence). What emotional impact does it leave the reader feeling and why?
2. Grace Paley writes, “The men and women in the cars on either side watch the young boys playing on the platform. They do not like them to jiggle or jump but don’t want to interfere” (191). Why do you think the adults do not want to interfere with the young boys? Support your assertions with textual evidence.
3. Do you think that the “motherly instinct” trumps “racial barriers” in this story? How and why?

Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway (119) (CHOOSE ONE OR COME UP WITH YOUR OWN!)
1. What is a “white elephant,” and how does this expression suit the story?
2. Could this story be considered “feminist” literature? Support your assertions.
3. In what ways could you categorize this as minimalist work?

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