Stylist Look Book—Part Three

H&M has hired an up-and-coming independent director to create a one-minute drama, showcasing H&M’s clothing. You have to propose three full outfits from H&M’s inventory, based on a very brief description of what the commercial will be about. You have the director’s notes (below) and have been asked to do a character breakdown and create a complete look for each of the three characters. You will also need to write a 300-word justification of why you chose the looks based on the script and director notes and the mission and vision of the client’s store and brand image.

Director’s notes: We open in a vast empty room in an abandoned Baroque French Chateau. We first see Lilly standing facing a window dressed in the clothing of a young modern business woman but wearing an eighteenth-century wig and makeup like you might have seen on Marie Antoinette. Lilly is holding a puppy with a diamond collar. From the left, we see a young man emerging. He is dressed for outdoor sports and seems anxious to leave this abandoned ruin and go outside and play. His hair and makeup are modern. From the right, we see another young man emerging, dressed in serious business attire. As he walks toward the woman, she seems to shy away. His hair is natural, cut in the latest style, but he is made up like a mime from the Comedia del-Arte. The young woman puts down the puppy, and the puppy runs off camera followed by the young man in the casual attire. The young woman turns back and forth trying to decide if she should stay or go. Is she choosing a fun time or a serious time, childhood or adulthood? The camera pulls in for a close-up on her face, and the screen fades to black as the logo comes up with the tagline—H&M:

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