• Identify the population of interest and the outcomes (goals) you want to accomplish (NOTE: for this assignment, the population of interest is patients diagnosed with psychiatric/mental health disorders).
• Establish a plan that will address the goals and the best way to accomplish the change.
• Differentiate between fixed and variable costs for delivering the service.
• Establish a per-unit cost (define what your unit of service is going to be), if appropriate. Check local and national trends and set a price if you are creating an entrepreneurial service. Describe the kind of revenue/cost savings you can expect.
• Articulate your personal needs. What is the “cost” of not initiating a change? What is the cost of using any outside resources? If you are developing an entrepreneur project, what income can you anticipate?
• Describe a basic marketing strategy; project target audiences; and, the likelihood of success.
• Analyze possible funding sources and discuss sustainability of the project.
• Develop an evaluation plan. Identify the outcome indicators you will use and how you will benchmark them.

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