Lung Volumes

The total lung volume can be divided into several subdivisions and compartments. These sections are referred to as _________________ and _____________________.

List the name for each volume, including the abbreviation for each:


List the name of each capacity, including the abbreviation for each:


Define each of the following lung volumes:

1. Tidal Volume:

In the space below, draw a graph and identify the tidal volume, “end-inspiratory”
and “end-expiratory” levels included.

2. Inspiratory Reserve Volume:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the IRV.

3. Expiratory Reserve Volume:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the ERV.

4. Residual Volume:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the RV.

Which of the lung volumes must be measured indirectly? _________________________

Explain how this indirect measurement is accomplished.

Once the above has been accomplished, what simple formula can be used to calculate the residual volume? _______________________________

Define each of the following lung capacities.

1. Vital Capacity:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the VC.

When the patient is instructed to exhale “forcefully” the test is called a ___________ VC.

When the patient is instructed to exhale “slowly” the test is called a _____________ VC.

The vital capacity can be considered the sum of the following lung volumes:
_________ + ________ + ___________ = Vital Capacity.

2. Inspiratory Capacity:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the IC.

The inspiratory capacity can be considered the sum of the following lung volumes:
___________ + ____________ = Inspiratory Capacity.

3. Functional Residual Capacity:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the FRC.

The function residual capacity can be considered the sum of the following lung volumes:
___________ + ___________ = Functional Residual Capacity

4. Total Lung Capacity:

In the space below, draw a graph and label the TLC.

The total lung capacity can be considered the sum of the four lung volumes:
_________ + __________ + ___________ + _____________ = TLC

The total lung capacity can also be considered the sum of two lung capacities:
____________ + ______________ = Total Lung Capacity

In the space below, draw a normal spirogram and label the four lung volumes and the four lung capacities. Be sure to also identify the maximal inspiratory level, the resting inspiratory level, the resting expiratory level, and the maximal expiratory level.

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