Getting Ready to Speak

One of the top five fears people have is public speaking. It has been described as intimidating and similar to feeling naked. In this discussion, you will talk about how you present yourself in public speaking. Most of you have given public speeches, some of you more regularly than others. Think of a time you have given a speech. If you truly haven’t given a speech, then think of a time when you have watched a speech (but we’d rather you shared your own experience). If you have never given a speech or watched someone else speak, imagine a meeting in which you listened to the convener (e.g., PTA meetings, community forums, sermons, and so on). Thinking back on this experience, answer these two questions: 1) How did you present yourself to the audience? 2) What impression did you leave on the audience? How do you know what this impression was? If you are describing another person’s speech, answer the above questions about that speaker.

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