virtual child

1. How does your baby’s eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns in the first 8 months?
–3 points for describing VC’s behavior in each domain and referring to what might be expected at these ages.

2. Is your child delayed or advanced in any area of development according to the 19-month developmental examiner’s report? Based on what you have studied, do you think this is most likely a result of specific biological or environmental factors?
–1 point for describing areas of delay or advancement and 1 point for a hypothesis and evidence regarding biological or environmental factors from the lecture or readings (2 points)

3. Describe and give examples of changes in your child’s exploratory or problem solving behavior from 8 through 18 months and categorize them according to Piagetian and information processing theories.
— 1 point for discussing one example of changes, 1 point for describing a second example(possibly at a different age, or two different behaviors at the same age), and 1 point for utilizing a specific Piagetian or information processing concept to classify the child’s behavior (3 points)

4. Describe your child’s communication and language development in the first 18 months. Is your child developing at a typical or atypical rate?
—1 point for a general description of language development and 1 point for discussing specific evidence of either normal or atypical rate of development (2 points)


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