Community Healthcare

1. Compare the findings for the population or community/neighborhood (such as morbidity, mortality, demographics, economics, education, etc…) with a standard population (such as Houston, Texas and/or U.S.) 5 pts 2. Create a list of at least five (5) health and/or psychosocial problems in your selected population or community/neighborhood. 5 pts 3. A: Select 1 problem amenable (open and responsive to suggestion) to community nursing intervention and provide rationale for selection (such as stakeholder choice, number of people affected, long-term impact, development of chronic disease, etc…) 4 pts B: Align problem to an objective in Healthy People 2020. 3 pts 4. Find at least three (3) research articles that provide evidence for the importance or impact of the problem on your selected population or community/neighborhood. 5 pts 5. Write a corresponding population/community nursing diagnosis. 3 pts








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