Leadership consultant

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Put yourself in a leadership consultant’s shoes. Suppose you are a very effective business consultant, and your expertise is “Global leadership.” One day you receive the invitation from Dole Food Company, Inc. to prepare a one-week program to train a group of American executives that soon they will be send to different countries to work as a general manager of Dole’s operations on those countries (Philippine, China, Japan, Australia, Italy, South Africa). DOLE is an American agricultural multinational corporation headquartered in Westlake Village, California. The company is the largest producer of fruit and vegetables i?????????????????????n the world, operating with 74,300 full-time and seasonal employees who are responsible for over 300 products in 90 countries. Dole markets such food items as bananas, pineapples (fresh and packaged), grapes, strawberries, salads, and other fresh and frozen fruits and juices. Dole owns a shipping line, Dole Ocean Cargo Express. Prepare a Global Leadership training course “plan” that includes all the elements necessary to teach to those executives that will work overseas. Prepare an outline or sketch about the course.

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