Crisis Response – Internal

Upon being exposed to a crisis, your team must activate their crisis response team and take action. Focus on the first two phases of the crisis (Strategies at the beginning of Crisis, and Strategies During a Crisis) as defined in chapter 7 of Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape. This assignment should be a description of the internal steps taken (description of Crisis Plan implementation, meetings, HR actions, damage containment, safety measures, any internal communications, etc.). Remember that this phase of the project is focused on your internal company actions. You will be telling the world about the crisis from your perspective and your reactions in the next phase of this project. Details Part 4 should be a 2-5 page report on your organizations response to the crisis. Imagine that this report would be sent to your largest internal investor/stakeholder and you wanted to brief them on the situation during the first 48 hours of the crisis. You want to make sure you thoroughly demonstrate that you are doing your best to address the situation, but at the same time you must be honest about the challenges and issues you face. In the real world, this report would likely be very confidential. Your imposed crisis will only provide basic details about the crisis to get you started. You may need to make certain assumptions about the details of the crisis on your own and establish your response based on those assumptions.

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