Real State Agent

Sales do not close, if objections are not handled well. In this discussion, be sure to use the company you signed up for class purposes and the one product you are selling.:
List the name of the company you work for and the product you are selling. Create 10 objections that a prospect would have about your specific product. Use the first person and be specific to the product you are selling. For Example: “I do not understand what makes your bank different from the one I am currently using.” Then, pick five of the objections and show how you would respond to the objection. Example:
Prospect’s objection:I don’t think your bank is very different than the bank I currently use. Salesperson’s reply: “If I hear you correctly, you are not sure what makes our bank different from your bank. I am so glad you asked that question! I can understand why it would important to know what makes our bank different, especially for you to make an informed decision. Our bank is the only bank that never charges a service fee! This means you will save money each month. How much are you currently paying in service fees?

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