Red Smile by Edith Iglauer

Answer all 12 questions listed below after reading Red Smile. 1. For each set of instructions in this assignment (that is, questions 1–12), identify the direction words. 2. Use one of the two active reading methods to read the essay for this assignment. Submit all your notes. For those steps usually done “in your head” (such as recite), note briefly what you did in the step. If you use a Reading Inventory, when you reach Rereading, only answer the questions from the first three bullets of Rereading listed in the Reading Inventory table (p. 41). 3. In a word or phrase, state the topic of the passage. 4. What is the author’s purpose? In a sentence or two, explain what gave you this impression. 5. Is the main idea explicit or implicit? If it is explicit, quote the thesis statement (in quotation marks), and identify the page and paragraph number where it is located. If the idea is implicit, state the main idea clearly, in your own words. 6. Describe the tone of the essay. In a few sentences, explain what impact this tone has on your reactions as a reader, and give an example to illustrate the tone. 7. From your reaction/reflection notes, choose and copy out a comment that triggers a topic idea for you. Then, state the topic. State your purpose. State your main idea. Now, write a brief paragraph (no longer than 200 words) in which you express this main idea, and provide suitable supporting details. 8. Find an example of a coordinate sentence. Give the paragraph and page number where it is located, and write out the sentence. Identify the core parts of the sentence (subject and verb), as well as the conjunction. When identifying the example, keep in mind that not all instances of conjunctions connect two clauses. 9. Repeat the steps in Question 8 for a subordinate sentence. 10. Write out two examples of transitions from the essay. Give the paragraph and page numbers where the examples are located, and if this is a direct quote, put it in quotation marks. Explain what the transition indicates about relationships among ideas. 11. Find an example of comma use. Write out the sentence, identify it with quotation marks, and indicate the paragraph and page number. Highlight the comma(s) you are referring to, and name their use. 12. Repeat the steps in Question 11 for the use of a colon, semicolon, or dash.

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