Subculture of Violence Concept

1. Definitions and Meaning– 2.5 to 3 pages (12.5 points)
Using the three sources and only these sources, answer the following prompts fully and completely as well as provide arguments and assessment claims:
o How is the concept defined?
o Are the definitions different or shared – detail and explain your assessment on the level of shared definitions?
o What are the dimensions/aspects of the concept in the sources? In your own words, explain the meaning of the concept (pay attention to what types and patterns of crime and delinquency does the concept seek to explain (again based on the sources)). Instead of reviewing (or summarizing) each article separately, you should be reviewing all the sources together as a whole in order to detail your assessment.

o Develop an argument/thesis on the degree of consensus and transition to the next section. A thesis or argument is your specific one derived from review and evaluation of the three sources. This should be thought of as a specific claim (in fact your claim for your audience) about the degree of consensus of the meaning of the concept including what the concept has primarily been to explain and understand in relation to crime and deviance. Again, the three sources are the only sources you should be using.

2. Concept Use and Value – 2.5 to 3 pages (12.5 points)
Transitioning from the previous section and using the sources, fully detail the explanatory power and use of the concept in relation to the findings in the articles. We have spoken about explanatory power in class. Answer the following questions and provide your assessment statement(s):
o Is the concept useful and supported through the findings in the three research studies? Provide your assessment on the overall value of concept using the three sources.
o Is the concept valuable enough to use in policy and practice? Why or why not?

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