Speech writer writing for a politician at either the local, state or national level at the present time

You will be a speech writer writing for a politician at either the local, state or national level at the present time (but not the president — although your candidate may have presidential ambitions). Consider the questions below to help you formulate who the speech is aimed at and what issues you will discuss (you will get a chance to give an appraisal of your speech in the report to explain why you used certain issues): 7 What office are you running for? What is your party affiliation? 7 Are you a challenger or an incumbent? 7 Who is your audience? (Immediate and broader audience. Do you have future ambitions?) 7 What State are you in? How does your region determine who you target the speech at and what you say? 7 What ethnicity are you or are you trying to get to vote for you? 7 Is there any group you do not mind ‘scapegoating’ or isolating? What are the demographics of the State? (Racial breakdown/age groups/ gender) 7 What is the economic demographic of the State? 7 Where is the speech being given? (A specific city or town?) 7 Who are you attempting to attain funding from? (Think interest groups.) 7 Are there specific cultural references that you need to make? (Either regional variations or single issues that may be important.)
Title Please state at the top of your assessment who you are (political player/name), political affiliation. and what office you are running for (or for re-election) — e.g.: 7 Governor Nathan De’ath. Republican. running for re-election as governor for Alabama
7 Diana Cookie. Democrat. running for the House of Representatives in California’s 12th Distr

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