The beginning processes of becoming a teacher

The beginning processes of becoming a teacher can be a challenge. Philosophies ten to stretch and mold based on experiences, observations, readings, and discussions. This course is an opportunity for you to examine various philosophies as we focus on teacher-centered and student centered philosophies.
Teacher-centered philosophies:
Essentialism Perennialism Student-centered philosophies:
Progressivism Social Reconstruction Existentialism Focus on one or several of these philosophies that best explain how you are crafting your own ideas about teaching. Provide examples as to why you subscribe to that particular philosophy. Only state those philosophies that you most believe to be your style … but provide reasons as to why you might be drawn to that philosophy. When sharing your thoughts, be sure to describe the kinds of activities and approaches you might use within that/those particular philosophy.
Your philosophy essay should be double-spaced and if well-written should be two (2) pages long.
Additional Resources:
Besides the information within your readings, the links below will be helpful in pushing you to think about your own philosophy. Again, pay special attention to your writing and seek assistance if needed. and read this from Ohio State:

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