Development of Social Awareness Through Interactive Read-Alouds Focused on Critical Literates

Purpose of an Article Review The purpose of an article review is to provide a summary and critique of the reading. Think of an article review as a guideline for someone who is considering reading the article.
When you write your article review, you will be summarizing and commenting on four criteria:
❑ The significance of the study; purpose of the study; what the research question was ❑ The theoretical framework and literature informing the study ❑ A description of the study; it’s context, participants and methodology ❑ Study results and your personal critique of the research as it is presented.
Significance of the study In this section, you will report on why the researcher conducted this study. You will identify what their question was that framed their research. You will identify why the study was necessary and what made it important.
Theoretical framework In this section, you will discuss the theory that framed the research, providing an overview of the literature that the researcher reviewed in preparation for their study.
Description of the study ovate Wi ndows, In this section, you will report how the study was conducted. What methodologies did.’ e researcher employ! Who were o the participants? Where did the study take place? How long did the research take place?

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