Prejudice and preconceived views

Journal Prejudice and preconceived views are embedded into us as children. We receive these views from media, our community, religion, adults in our different activities, and families of origins. Some of these views of how those individuals who are from a different walk of life, society, class, religion, race, or gender are based on facts, while others on prejudices and bias. Discuss a preconceived view that you held as a child that was challenged later in life. If you have a viewpoint that was challenged or proved incorrect by your work in healthcare, that would be a very relevant answer to share. You may also share about an individual you knew as a child (whether another child or an adult) who still holds a view that you yourself now consider to be a prejudiced and an incorrect viewpoint. Your paper must be at least one page in length, double spaced with normal margins and font size not including footers and headers.

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