Select 2 cases and apply the analytical frame work to each ? ( Sackler – cases around this subject and tainted money ) make sure to answer using IS Principles- The cases that you select need to be described and I need to use the IS principle to take a different approach– I must use the analytical framework as if I was running the organization under that scnerio and how I WOULD ACT USING THE BELOW
Analytical Frame Work
1. What is the organizational context you sit in and your role vis-à-vis that organization?
(Example : Chief Information Officer, reporting to the Executive Directo- Board – CFO- etc)
2. What stakeholders are impacted by the ethical dilemma posed and how?
3. What are the principles in tension?
4. Which principle or stakeholder will you prioritize over another?
5. How to best execute a decision as to an ethical course of action?