Human rights after world war II

Since the end of World War II promoting human rights has been a central objective of many governments, lOs and NGOs in the world. This interest in human rights has given rise to a number of different approaches to promoting human rights. Two of the most important of these approaches are the UN human rights treaty system and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Both illustrate the tensions and difficulties associated with protecting individual rights in a world of sovereign states, albeit in different ways. Contrast the approach to promoting human rights represented by the UN human rights treaty system with the approach of the ICC. In your answer be sure you (1) discuss how each of these two regimes tries to promote human rights, detailing its basic organizational structure and how it seeks to shape state behavior. (2)Then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. (3) Finally, discuss which approach you believe best navigates the tensions between global governance and state sovereignty in the promotion of human rights and why.

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