Environment – Context and setting.

Writing About Dance
Performance/Film Reflection Papers
“Writing is the painting of the voice.” -Voltaire
Consider the following when writing about dance. You do not have to use them in
this order, but it will help you construct effective sentences and paragraphs that
effectively communicate your ideas in writing about the dance you saw. Be sure to
include the choreographer’s name, piece title(s), date attended and the venue/
Describe – What you see.
Time: When in the dance does it take place?
Relationships: Who is doing it; name of dancer?
With whom are they dancing?
Action: Which body part is being used?
What is that body part doing?
Where is the focus?
Space / size: Where are they on stage?
How big is their movement?
Dynamics: How are they moving? For instance: quickly, heavily, suddenly,
in character, fluidly, aggressively? How long is the duration of
the action?
Environment – Context and setting.
Lighting: What is the lighting look at this point?
Costume: How does the costume react to the movement you are describing?
Music: What is happening in the music at this point? How does the music contrast
or complement the movement you are describing?
Set: Are the dancers using all or part of the set or props at this point in the dance?
Interpret – Understand and explain the meaning.
The dance’s main Idea: How do YOU think this movement helps the audience
understand the dance? Describe examples from the dance to support your
Explain: Ensure you have explained your ideas thoroughly. Use examples from the
dance to support your statements.
Categories of Art:
Mimetic (imitative of “reality”)
Expressive (giving outer form to inner reality)
Pragmatic (intended to provoke change — to make something happen)
Objective (focusing on the formal properties of art)
Writing About Dance
Performance/Film Reflection Papers
Evaluate – Effectiveness and level of impact.
How effectively does the movement you are describing achieve what it is trying to
say? Why? Use examples from the dance to support your statements.
Linguistics – Use of language.
Does the paper flow as a whole?
Is it interesting to read?
Is there variety in the texture of the sentences (length and complexity)?
Is punctuation used appropriately? (Is there a comma where you would pause in
reading aloud?)
Are there any errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation?
Are there any typing errors? Remember that spell check doesn’t catch all errors
(e.g. using there instead of their).

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