Ice-Fili Case Analysis

1) Write statement that summarizes Ice-Fili strategy. Please decide on the one specific choice made by the company which is most strategic. Are there any specific choices made by the company that you think appear strategic, but actually are not?
2) Analyze and evaluate Ice-Fili strategy. What explains Ice-Fili success? In your analysis, contrast Nestles and regional producer strategy.
3) In your answer, please quantify Ice Fili revenue and/or cost (quantitative analysis) position. Using data and information from the case and making reasonable assumptions where necessary. In light of your analysis, what should the Ice-Fili do?
4) Could Ice-Fili maintain its market lead over Nestle´?
5) Should Ice-Fili invest in its own chain of cafe´s in order to find new retail avenues for its ice cream products? Why or why not? If it should, how specifically should Ice-Fili pursue the opportunity?
6) How could Ice-Fili compete with regional producers without engaging in a price war?
7) How could Ice-Fili attract the talent necessary to manage in a competitive market economy?
8) How has competition between Ice-Fili, Regional Producer and Nestle affected industry profits (value capture) in each part of the value chain?
9) In the wake of flattening demand and the growth, how can Ice-Fili maintain their profitability?
10) Based on the information in the case, prepare an analysis of Ice-Fili costs relative to competitors. Specifically, make a table comparing Ice-Fili cost structure with the industry/nestle/regional producers average, and list your assumptions. Explain clearly and succinctly the sources of Ice-Fili cost advantage.

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