Super Bowl Commercials

You are to analyze at least two selected TV commercials from last year’s Super Bowl and apply the theories and framework provided in the class. The choice of commercials is limited to the above link. You are expected to seek outside sources (news articles from recognized sources) to support and validate your work based upon the commercials you chose, the theme/message they are trying to convey and your analysis. The paper must use Kohlberg and Dobrin for the analysis.

Every day, through the media, you are exposed to ethical dilemmas. The people who write, direct and produce the media are attempting to shape the way you see things and how you react and respond. The most important part is to be aware of this influence – and the way you do that is to analyze what is being presented to you and compare it to your own core values. To do that requires some tools.
Your paper must contain the following: (23 points each):
1. Give a summary of the “plot” and list the primary characters involved in the two commercials you chose. The plot is the message they are conveying and how they convey that message. The characters are the animals, people, famous people (living or dead), scenery or special effects the writers/producers used to convey their message. These are important because they can be used to influence you (a famous person, calm scenery, sexy styling and big promises). 2– 3 paragraphs.

2. Choose and summarize ONE ETHICAL DILEMMA from each of the commercials (thus you should have 2 dilemmas). The summary should be no more than 1 sentence long. Now flesh it out (3 – 4 sentences each) by establishing the “norm” and the challenge to the “norm.” The “norm” is the basic assumption, attitude or prevailing belief in society. How are the writers/producers challenging the norm – what are they doing to get you to see things from their point of view (thus sell you their product, service or thought process). This is the ethical dilemma. How the characters and scenery interact is important for you to understand how the writers/producers of the media source are attempting to influence you. How do they expect to get you to accept their beliefs and/or products? 3 – 4 paragraphs.
3. What did the writers/producers use to “suck you in?” What did they do to get your attention and keep you watching? 1 – 2 paragraphs. Be specific.
4. Now summarize everything by apply Dobrin, Kohlberg, Badaracco, the Toothpaste Test, The One Favorite or other ethics tools you have learned to show you understand how to analyze and examine media sources as they attempt to influence you and exert power over society. 3 – 4 paragraphs.

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