The Deliverance By James Dickey

The prompt of this essay is to take a specific lens throughout the book The Deliverance by James Dickey and write about its significance. The lens you’re required to take is a Nature vs Man lens. You should find specific parts in the story where nature is overpowering the four men, specifically Lewis. As you are providing examples of nature beginning to dominate the men, be sure to analyze its signifance and illustrate its importance to the plot of the story. You should find at least 4-5 examples from the story where nature is dominating the four men. (An example would be when the owl lands on one of the men’s tents and tears it open). You should be able to find a few example within the book and include them fluently while explaining nature’s significance and power over the men. Make sure to introduce in the first paragraph the lens you’re taking (nature vs man) and begin the essay. 3-4 paragraphs are okay.

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