Digital Strategy and Mastering Matrix

Assignment Task (5,000 Words, 3 Questions)
In your role:
As a Marketing Analyst, you have been asked by the Senior Management Team (SMT), of your own
organisation or an organisation of your choice, to produce a report as to how marketing metrics can
support the organisation’s future marketing strategy. The SMT have asked you to consider the existing
market sector as well as an ALTERNATIVE market sector. You are required to propose a range of
marketing metrics for the two contrasting sectors.
Question 1
(1,500 Words) (Learning Outcome 1, 6 & 7)
In your role as an experienced Marketing Analyst, you have been asked by the Senior
Management Team (SMT) of your chosen organisation, or an organisation of your choice,
to prepare a report that evaluates the role of metrics in putting forward a marketing strategy
in two different market sectors.
• Provide a summary of the organisation, type, size, products and services, customer base
and competitors:
i. Name of the organisation
ii. Type of organisation e.g. profit/non-profit, national or global etc.
iii. Size of the organisation in terms of employees, and turnover.
iv. Product Range and the type of market it serves e.g. B2C or B2B, and
v. Organisation’s Main Competitors.
• Analyse the current requirements of your organisation for marketing metrics to
implement an effective marketing strategy.
• Identify and evaluate the potential challenges of using marketing metrics in your chosen
alternative market sector.
Question 2
(1,750 Words) (Learning Outcome 3, 4, 5 & 7)
You have been asked to produce a briefing paper for the SMT that considers marketing measurement
techniques for obtaining information to develop a marketing strategy in the
alternative market sector for your organisation.
• Identify and assess THREE measurement techniques that could be used to support the
marketing strategy in the alternative market sector.
• Evaluate what information would be needed to measure organisational performance
against marketing strategy in the alternative market sector.
• Put forward a prototype dashboard to present information about organisational
performance against marketing strategy for the alternative market sector.
Question 3
(1,750 Words) (Learning Outcome 2, 6 & 7)
You have been asked to prepare a report for the SMT, outlining how dashboards can be used to provide
useful information to support strategic marketing decision-making.
• Identify and assess relevant automated techniques that could be used in the prototype
dashboard to monitor the marketing metrics.
• Describe how the information obtained in the prototype dashboard can be used to improve
marketing decision-making.
• Recommend ways in which opinion mining and sentiment analysis can be used to support
marketing decision-making in the current and alternative market sectors.

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