Journal Summary

Journal Summary
Holdevici, Irina, and Barbara Crăciun. “Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy Interventions and Mindfulness in Diminishing the Stress Level and Cortisol Blood Level.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences vol.187, 2015, pp. 379-383
Introduction: The theoretical framework by Lazarus and Folkman led to the development of various factors that cause stress. Additionally, the elements can be characterized by factors such as tragic events, people’s reactions, or the changes in everyday life. Consequently, the human body responds in various ways after being subjected to stress such as the increased pain, increase in metabolism, or the increase in the blood pressure. The presence fluctuation in the cortisol levels indicates the presence of coping mechanism. For instance, the increase in the cortisol suggests the difficulties in dealing with stressful situations. Consequently, the inhibition of the secretion of the Lymphokine blocks the immune functions.
Additionally, the elevated cortisol levels also indicate the presence of other symptoms such as anorexia or anxiety. Nonetheless, studies suggest that elevated cortisol levels can also be correlated with irritation. Notably, the glucocorticoid is responsible for maintaining the supply of carbohydrates. When the body has low blood sugar levels, the cortisol inhibits the production of proteins and consequently freeing amino acids into the bloodstream. In return, the amino acids are added to the glucose to form glycogen, which is an employable carbohydrate. The study, therefore, looks at the possibility of the production of cortisol as a result of being in stressful conditions.
Therefore, cortisol can be viewed as a stress factor that could indicate certain psychological conditions. Additionally, cortisol is evident during the morning hours. Therefore, the blood sample of the participants was collected in the morning hours. Thus, the research aims at determining the relationship between stress and cortisol levels. Additionally, the study looks at the cognitive therapy methods that can be used in reducing stress about the cortisol levels. Furthermore, the hypothesis of the research indicated that there is a relationship between the stress levels and the cortisol level in the patients before any therapy sessions.
Methods: the research used students on the college level or pursuing their masters. The participants for the analysis were aged between 24 and 39 years, and it included 27 women and three men who took part in the research voluntarily. The study was conducted with the consent of the participants, and they fulfilled the perceived stress scale at the onset and the end of the research. The blood samples of the participants were conducted at the beginning of the study and towards the end of the three months period.
The perceived scale test consisted of ten items which tested the stress level of the participants at certain levels of their lives. The scale also measures the probability of a person succumbing to ailments due to the high-stress levels. Medical experts were involved in the procedure as it required medical attention due to the ingestion of drugs that altered the cortisol levels. The cognitive behavior intervention was based on a 12 session program which involved agendas with specific objectives. On the other hand, the discussion themes involved self-evaluation, coping strategies and relaxation exercises. Two psychotherapists also regulated the process.
Results: the results indicated that the stress scores were lesser after the participants had been subjected to cognitive behavioral therapy as compared to those who did not take part in the treatment. The cortisol levels were also found to have declined after the therapy sessions. Notably, on paramedic analysis was conducted to record the correlation between stress levels and the cortisol in the blood.
Conclusion: The analysis concluded that there is a relationship between the concentration of cortisol in the blood and cognitive behavior therapy. Nonetheless, the research scope is limited due to the low number of participant hence compelling the need for further empirical research. The investigation concluded that to increase the accuracy of the results other measures with the same effect should be taken, for instance, arterial pressure and EKG.

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