Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children with Special Needs

Provide example (not given in the textbook) for each as it relates to the developmental-behavioral approach.

  1. Negative reinforcement
  2. Intrinsic reinforcement
  3. Positive reinforcement
  4. Natural and logical consequences
  5. Withdrawing or withholding reinforcement
  6. Incompatible behaviors
  7. Catch the child being good
  8. Reminders, redirection, reprimands
  9. Sit and watch
  10. Time-out

Part 2
In order to acknowledge and understand the diversity of childrearing beliefs and practices among families, you must first acknowledge and understand your own beliefs and practices about childrearing. Exploring and analyzing your own history and its effects on your behavior may assist you in creating a better understanding artQcorowsiqn for, the families with which you are entrusted to support. Please review the section on Cultural Models anclogellg-geffOrtgPractices (pages 57— 62) and write a 2-page reflection essay discussing your own child-rearing beliefs and practice might influence your work with diverse families.

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