Simple interactive web page to represent a fairy tale

Research documentation – 300 words
Research topics (fairytales/philosophy/politics) and choose a piece of writing from one
Of the topics to reinterpret as an interactive piece.
• Identify the key metaphors/messages and themes within the chosen text and
• Who is the proposed audience, and what is their interest in the text?
– Age group, sex
– Cultural and subcultural interests
– Location
– Attitudes towards technology and the internet
– Anything else relevant to the text
• What is your overall intention and core concept for the project? (This is not what you
Think the website should do or look like, it is a summary of your key conceptual idea for
The project).

Project Proposal – 500 words
Using the ideas of semiotics and visual metaphors, research and identify what colors,
Shapes and imagery that could represent the metaphors/messages and themes you’ve
Identified in the text?
• Research interactive methods used to engage audiences and answer the following.
Keep your ideas about these methods simple as your technical skills will be limited
(Such as image rollovers, static or gif animated buttons, etc.)
– What methods would be useful in engaging the intended audience in your
– Why would they want to interact with them?
– What reward to they get through this interaction?
• Base on all of the above, develop a detailed storyboard, including navigation map to
Plan out your proposed project idea.

Design your layout
Part 1
Compile the raw visual components (assets) that will make up your design into a pdf document (2 to 3-pages). This includes static elements such as:
• text • font selection
• images • button designs
Note: If using imagery, carefully consider if it enhances your idea and be aware of your ability to capture (photography/video) and/or create (digital or hand-drawn illustration) proposed assets.
Part 2
Explore at least 10 variations of design composition (5 variations of 2 different pages) using a 12-column grid structure. Annotate how each of the layouts aid in representing your concept to your

intended audience.
Note: Keep in mind simple interactive techniques and the key message/s that engage the intended audience and include in notations.
Part 3 – Final Part
You will build your proposed website prototype using HTML and CSS. Your website must include a minimum of 2 linked pages, the content you’ve developed for assignment 2 and as well as

basic methods of interactivity to engage your intended audience.
The aim of this project is for you to understand and apply the basics of HTML & CSS to develop a working interactive project. You are welcome to add as little or as much complexity aligned with

your skill level. Make sure you submit your work at the end of the assignment even if you have errors in your files, however, files with errors will be marked accordingly.

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