Information and Knowledge Management

Information and Knowledge Management Assignment
Information about the Assignments
Aims • To develop an integrative perspective of different approaches and views on the topics explored throughout the unit;

Objectives. • To develop an understanding of fundamental IM and KM principles, concepts and techniques
• To critically analyse current issues and debates in fields of IM and KM

Outcomes • You will be able to demonstrate a critical appreciation of the various themes covered throughout the module and of the debates generated around them

Sequence of Learning and Assessment

The individual assignment (2000 words) builds upon this and is an essay discussing the key issues identified in your diagrammatic representation, using the literature and the academic background to the subject to support your arguments and the cases studies of Xerox, NASA and Danone as examples. This involves comparing and contrasting different approaches to information and knowledge management strategies, drawing on material from both the literature and the case studies.

Individual essay: a discussion of the key issues identified in your group diagram against the literature and the NASA, Xerox and Danone case studies.

This assignment is an individual essay of 2000 words. It builds upon the group assignment and involves:

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