Communicable Disease:Cholera

Report on the epidemiology of a specific communicable disease that incorporates the principles and concepts presented in the course (Weeks 1-4) that are relevant to the specific disease.

  1. Description of Disease a. Introduce your communicable disease (Week 1 and Week 2) i. What is the communicable disease and why the concern? (The communicable disease I want you to focus is Cholera) ii. History iii. Classification (Microbiology, Transmission) iv. Measuring the burden of disease — Identify the case definition, morbidity rates including prevalence and incidence, mortality rates, and risk factors. Is there a difference between local and global burden of disease?
  2. Epidemiology Importance and Study Design (Week 2) a. Demonstrate your understanding of epidemiological study designs — Choose one descriptive and one analytical study from your literature review and provide your rationale as to why they are classified as descriptive or analytical studies. b. Disease results from complex relationships between the agent, host, and the environment. Explain your communicable disease in terms of the epidemiological triangle (triad). (very detailed) c. Certain conditions must be met in order for a communicable disease to be spread from person to person. Explain your communicable disease in terms of the chain of infection. 

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