“Lesson Plan” – SDG Project Design

This “lesson plan” assignment will actually be a project design, rather than lesson plans.
Based on the SDGs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., you will design a project for your students. If you need some inspiration. try the unit planning game (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (see the video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for an explanation).
Copyright law must be respected in this and all assignments. All work must be original. You will download and complete the SDG Lessons_Project Template. Preview the document There are four parts:
Purpose Assessment Timeline Supporting student learning If you have trouble remembering how to do parts 1-3. see the SDG Slides Excerpts.Preview the document
Part 4 will be based on what you have learned from our exploration of Voices of Diversity, as we have thought about and discussed ways of supporting various types of learners you may find in your classroom. How will you instruct these students? What strategies might support them? For example, you might write about strategies that support socioeconomic status diversity (such as students who do not have technology access at home), or strategies that support gender and gender roles diversity (such as addressing gendered representations in printed materials).

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