Program Design

Develop a comprehensive training design plan for the fictional organization, CapraTek. Base your training

design on the CapraTek: Training Needs Assessment simulation, which is linked in the Resources. If you

have not yet viewed this simulation, do so at this time.

For your project, write a 10-15-page paper in which you complete the following:

Given the scenario presented for CapraTek in the simulation you viewed, identify the training topic. and

explain why the employees would be required to participate in this training. Explain how the training will

meet the strategic needs of CapraTek.

Identify the specific objectives for this training program. What will the trainees need to know or be able to


Select an appropriate training needs analysis method for the scenario. Apply the selected method to

identify the following:

What the trainees should know pre-training. (Provide your source for this.)

What the trainees already know and how you will uncover this (test, interview, questionnaire, et cetera).

Share a sampie of the questions you would use.

Recommend a design for your training program, including the following:

Resourcing for the instructor: Internal or external, and why?

Location of program: What type of setting—off site or on site? Why?

The timing of the program: How long will it be? Will it be completed all in one session or over time in partial


Instructional strategies for presenting the content of the training.

Strategies for encouraging active participation and practice for the trainees.

Methods for providing feedback on trainee’s practice.

Create an evaluation plan for determining the effectiveness of the program.

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