Designing for physical interaction at a distance

Question 1:

This first part of requires you to read the following paper and then answer Questions 1 and 2:


Gooch, D. and Watts, L. (2012) ‘sleepyWhispers: sharing goodnights within distant relationships’, in Adjunct proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST Adjunct Proceedings ’12), Cambridge, Massachusetts, ACM New York, pp. 61–62.

The paper describes an interaction design, where the aim is to enable separated couples to feel connected to one another. How would you describe the conceptual model behind the design? In your description indicate:
a. The main idea of the design
b. The way that people are understood to interact with it
c. The user experience.
Write between 100 and 200 words in total.
A conceptual model of an interaction system is not the user interface. It is not how the system looks or feels … it describes only what people can do with a system and what concepts they need to understand to operate it.
Johnson and Henderson (2002) p. 26

The user interface is only one implementation of a conceptual model.

Question 2:
This question is based on the ‘sleepyWhispers’ paper from Question 1
a. Which interface type presented do you think best describes the design presented in the ‘sleepyWhispers’ paper? Justify your answer, drawing on the list below:
• Command-based
• WIMP and GUI
• Virtual Reality
• Multimedia
• Information visualisation and dashboards
• Web
• Consumer electronics and appliances
• Mobile
• Speech
• Pen
• Touch
• Air-based gesture
• Haptic
• Multimodal
• Shareable
• Tangible
• Augmented and mixed reality
• Wearable
• Robots and drones
• Brain-computer interaction (BCI)
b. Describe how the interaction provided by the design presented in the paper might have been developed using a different interface type.

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