Lips for Better Prose

Please provide an MLA-style header on your application (see item #20 in our famously helpful document, “lips for Better Prose: available online at c r > all of which should be followed for your application). Your separate document should be typed and double-spaced. and should follow MLA style. It must be a Microsoft Word document. Please do not repeat the questions; just indicate the question number to which you are responding. There is no word limit; just write the amount specified in teach question.
You must answer all questions.

  1. What is the tentative title of your film? 2. What is your film about? Please provide a brief description (approximately one substantial paragraph). 3. Why is this topic important enough to be the subject of a film (i.e.. who should care and why)? Where do you hope to screen it (e.g., movie theaters, broadcast television, cable television, direct-to-video. Internet streaming) and why? Please write about one substantial paragraph for each of the two parts of this question. 4. Which of the four -tendencies” of documentary film described by Michael Renov in ch. 2 of his book. Theorizing Documentary, will your film possess? (It can possess more than one tendency.) Discuss, in one substantial paragraph or two substantial paragraphs, why and how your film will embody that tendency (or those tendencies) which you have identified and not the others. 5. The Goldstein Foundation funds only documentary films. In one substantial paragraph or two substantial paragraphs, please explain what makes your film a documentary. 6. Will your film bear any resemblance to other documentary films that you might have seen. say, in a documentary film class? If so (and it should be so). describe. in one substantial paragraph or two substantial paragraphs, the similarities and why that film or those films will be (a) good model(s) for your film. 7. Please write one substantial paragraph or two substantial paragraphs about the way(s) in which your film will fit into the American documentary film tradition. In other words. how does it build upon the previous ninety years of American documentary films in terms of content, approach, style, or philosophy? Readings and lectures from a documentary film course might be very useful to include in your discussion.

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