In patients with type 1 diabetes and Celia disease

In patients with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, how does the use of fiber-enriched buckwheat pasta compare to the use of corn pasta. affect postprandial blood sugar, within two hours after the meal is consumed
Academic Level : Bachelor
Paper details This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. Write a 4-5-page paper (in addition to the title page and reference page) for your literature review:
Select appropriate sources of evidence to support your research topic and compose a literature review supporting your proposal. Include a discussion regarding your investigation and search for the literature to gain knowledge related to your proposal. Please use appropriate headings. Sources are to be within 3-5 years unless the study was the “Mother of all Studies.” This means the earlier study precipitated all the research that followed. If you should use an historical study, be sure to include how the subsequent research supported the original study and/or negated the findings creating evidence that initiated a change in practice or beliefs.

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