Marketing New Product

The new product is a Ford car model with electric doors and eco-friendly. Please address the topics below in a paper. | have also attached the
beginning of my paper where i speak about the parent company of Ford
2-4) Channels
“Choose which of the following distribution channels would be most adequate for your product (justify your choice in terms of market factors, product
factors and producer factors):
Producer- Consumers
Producer-Retailers – Consumers
Producer – Wholesalers – Retailers – Consumers
Producer -Agents or Brokers – Wholesalers – Retailers – Consumers
What level of distribution intensity will your product require and why?
Intensive distribution
Selective distribution
Exclusive distribution’3
2-5) Promotion
Decide which tools for consumer and trade sales promotion you will use (justify your choices):
Consumer Sales Promotion:
Loyalty Marketing Programs
Contests and Sweepstakes , a
Sampling Activate Windloves

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