The June Oven group

Should the June Oven group remain a private company or should it go public?

Should June Oven elect to be a private company, or should it go the IPO way and go public? What major financial management

challenges may lie ahead with either course of action? [Hint: Use to start with unfamiliar terms]

What’s the Matter with the IPO Market? That’s the Wrong Question

How does the Balanced Scorecard help companies?

Using business dictionary. com for some definitions, to what extent would the use of the Balanced Scorecard assist with the June

Oven’s SWOT Analysis? Where and how? And why would it be good business policy to adopt this tool, or why not? What about the

use or integration of dashboards and KPIs? See https:/ DpPdPVQ

https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=AfENvf2nGJY

| will upload the question and the reading stuff for much better understanding

Personal Application of the Balanced Scorecard as a management tool

To what extent would the “Balanced Scorecard” be useful in directing management’s attention to key issues in its business

environment? How is that reflected in the factors you have chosen as important to the completion of your own SWOT analysis, say

as manager of the June Oven product?

Application of Financial and Performance Ratios

What performance and financial ratios specifically could have featured prominently or may feature very highly: in the formulation of

June Oven company’s strategy and why?

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