Outline for British Literature Essay

I. Intro
A. Shakespeare’s “Othello’ was a very unusual play for the renaissance time period because race plays a mildly important role, which brings to light the racial views of Britain during this time period. There are also adaptations of “Othello” where race plays a different role. Insert Thesis about the significance of race
B. Othello Shakespeare
C. Film portrayal
D. Overall race in Othello
II. Differences in portrayal and significance of Othello’s Race
A. “Welles’s” Othello
B. Details about movie adaptation and actors
III. Shakespeare’s Othello
A. Role of race in play
B. Ideals of Shakespeare
IV. Films and other adaptations
A. Role of race in these
B. Ideals of time period
V. How they are both different
A. I.e. one makes race more significant than other
B. Ideas different
VI. How they are both similar in terms of race
A. Both show Othello as a black person
B. Other similarities
VII. Overall significance of Shakespeare’s portrayal of race
A. Historical meaning
B. Social construct of different time periods and ideals of each time
VIII. Conclusion
A. How is race portrayed in Shakespeare’s “Othello” and how does this portrayal differ amongst different representations of the play?
B. How are film and modern adaptations different
C. What is the overall significance of race in “Othello”
D. Etc

Works Cited
Aubrey, James R. “Race and the spectacle of the monstrous in ‘Othello.’.” CLIO, vol. 22, no. 3, 1993, p. 221+. Literature Resource Center, https://ezproxy.templejc.edu:2377/apps/doc/A14212950/GLS?u=txshracd2561&sid=GLS&xid=d6352f8d. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019
Hadfield, Andrew. “Race in ‘Othello’: the ‘History and Description of Africa’ and the Black Legend.” Notes and Queries, vol. 45, no. 3, 1998, p. 336+. Literature Resource Center, https://ezproxy.templejc.edu:2377/apps/doc/A21274060/GLS?u=txshracd2561&sid=GLS&xid=a71c0755. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
Jones, Nicholas. “A bogus hero: Welles’s Othello and the construction of race.” Shakespeare Bulletin, vol. 23, no. 1, 2005, p. 9+. Literature Resource Center, https://ezproxy.templejc.edu:2377/apps/doc/A132842765/GLS?u=txshracd2561&sid=GLS&xid=d2495fd4. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
MacDonald, Joyce Green. “Acting black: ‘Othello’, ‘Othello’ burlesques, and the performance of blackness.” Theatre Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, 1994, p. 231+. Literature Resource Center, https://ezproxy.templejc.edu:2377/apps/doc/A15263647/GLS?u=txshracd2561&sid=GLS&xid=3455dced. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
Marks, Elise. “‘Othello/me’: racial drag and the pleasures of boundary-crossing with Othello.” Comparative Drama, vol. 35, no. 1, 2001, p. 101+. Literature Resource Center, https://ezproxy.templejc.edu:2377/apps/doc/A82651714/GLS?u=txshracd2561&sid=GLS&xid=563756be. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.

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