Logic Model

Part 1-Logic Model
In your position as a law enforcement manager, you have been tasked with applying for a 1-year, $100,000 D
grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth. The purpose of the grant is
provide an opportunity for strategic transformation in a police department. The DOJ has many grant opportun
justice and police agencies.
Review strategic transformation in Chapter 15 of your textbook.
Review all the components of the “How to Develop a Program Logic Model’ from the Corporation for National
&Community Service.
https:/Awww.nationalservice.gov/sites/default/files/upload/OpAC%20Logic% 20Model%20draft%20in%20progr
Complete the attached Logic Model! worksheet and submit it with your Executive Summary.
Part 2- Draft Executive Summary
Write a 250-500-word draft executive summary of your proposed program. The executive summary tells the s
a very succinct way of why your grant should be the one funded. Include the information gathered from your |i
model. Explain how the grant will improve organizational outcomes that align with organizational needs.

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