Compose a brief and focused paper which explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from a
scientific and/or mathematical/analytical perspective of inquiry. Y
« Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions, developed to
provide specific and detailed inquiry, discovery and understanding:
o Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” from either or both of the lists below to answer in
the paper.
o Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” that provides detail, specificity, and focus to
your inquiry, research and writing**.
¢ State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
« Form the body of your paper by answering each research question, using references to the resources
found in your research.
- Review the process and the resulting understandings in the conclusion of the paper (briefly review the
issues, research questions, answers, and insights.)
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
SCIENTIFIC Perspective of Inquiry
« What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or epidemiological issues?
« Which body systems are affected?
« What happens at the cellular or genetic level?