The Mexican American War

THE TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO: In 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican American War by ceding nearly half of Mexico’s territory to the United States and guaranteeing the citizenship, civil, and property rights of Mexicans living in the region (see Articles VIII, IX, and X of the treaty in Document Packet 1). In your view, what was the primary
impact of the Treaty on the lives of the Mexicans living in the ceded territory? Which of Articles VII, IX, or X do you think were most important? Why? How did enforcement or violation of the. Treaty in the decades after 1848 continue to shape the lives of Mexicans in the U.S. Southwest?If you choose to answer this question, be sure to focus on at least one of Article VIII, IX, or X of
the Treaty and do not simply provide a summary of the Treaty.

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