Hurricane Katrina

Introduction-(Provide an introduction of the Hurricane Katrina event and its impact).
Government Private Response-(Provide the many facets of response used by ail parties involved).
Recovery Efforts-(Discuss the organizational recovery efforts and problems that developed).
Lessons Learned-(What were some of the lessons learned noted in the White House Report?).
Analysis-(How did the after-action reports view the main areas of concern regarding Katrina?).
Recommendations-(What major final recommendations were made?).
While conducting your research, either online or at a library, identify at least 1-2 credible sources for each
sub-topic required for your paper.
List the literary sources in proper APA format, depending on the reference used (i.e., textbook, journal
article, government document, credible online source, etc.) and provide a brief summary of why you chose
the literary source, why it meets the sub-topic area content need and what important points the source
made about the Hurricane Katrina disaster while trying to answer important research questions.

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